GreyGold Project Space - Presented by ForbiddnJuice
5 videos
Updated 1 year ago
This is a playlist of showcase videos featuring my amateur art and other picture creations made by me (unless explicitly stated)! Enjoy!
P.S. I'm not a very good artist, don't attack me pls (my mental health and sanity frankly can't take it)
AAVF's AI Art Dump
AppleCore Pictures[Program used: Bing AI Image Creator (https://www.bing.com/create). Originally uploaded to the AAVF Studios Youtube Channel on. Oct 20, 2023] Whoo! I've been busy with school (I will now disclose that I am in Uni), so I haven't had much time for content creation, including drafting and working on projects. So, I figured, "Hey, why don't I let AI do the work for me?" I mean, AI is a top of hot contention right now, and this isn't my first rodeo with it, so I did it. Now, that doesn't mean I've sold my soul to the Ai devil of unorginality to stoop as low as content theft, it's that this helps keep my channel "fresh" while I handle life issues and my chronic laziness. Enjoy this AI art fest! P.S. It's actually impressive how clean and "realistic" AI art looks (some of the better ones, anyway).26 views -
AAVF UnArtDump
AppleCore PicturesI am working (slowly) on more art and animation, but for now, I am too tired to create stuff by myself. so I compiled a set of six AI-made "artworks" (I won't delve too much into the debate of whether AI art actually constitutes art) that I generated a couple months back. They're pretty good, not what I was expecting, but good. So yeah, enjoy these pieces of blatant intellectual plagiarism! AI used - Hotpot (https://hotpot.ai/) Style - Hotpot Art 66 views -
AAVF ArtShow #3
AppleCore PicturesWelcome back to the third AAVF art show! Inside, finely curated masterpieces await for you to witness in all their glory and splendour! Made with 100% heart and soul.3 views -
AAVF ArtShow #2
AppleCore PicturesWelcome to another AAVF arts showcase, featuring 5 masterpieces made by me! I also created a DeviantArt page (Feb 22, 2023) just to post the art I made for this video. Enjoy! (and check my DeviantArt) My page: https://www.deviantart.com/d-artcorporation1 view -
AAVF ArtShow #1
AppleCore PicturesWelcome to my first art showcase video, presented by the Forbiddn Juice division of the AAVF. This is the first video under the newly-created subdivision of the AAVF, GreyGold Projects, which will focus (mostly) on art made by me. All the art in this particular video is made by me. I did not rip it from off the internet and claim it as my own, because that would be petty. Enjoy! P.S. I'm. not a very good artist. Don't stone me for it. Edit: I do realize that I misspelled "Parallels" in Slide 1 and "Coconuts" on Slide 5. I'm too lazy to fix it.3 views