LIVE @ 8: UNCENSORED: Karen Kingston - People Now Connected to the Demonic Realm Through COVID-19 Injections, Nanotech
Stew Peters NetworkKaren Kingston joins Maria Zeee to explain the way humans have now been connected to the demonic realm through the nanotech in COVID-19 injections and the quantum field - but there's more. The patents show that nanotechnology is embedded into everyday products and every single human has been exposed. For more info on Karen's Substack visit: https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/part-1-dismantling-the-the-deceptions Visit https://link.goldco.com/Maria or call 855-913-0814 TODAY to protect your retirement! (US only) Visit Gold Stackers today to secure your wealth with Australia's leading supplier of gold and silver bullion (Australia only): https://www.goldstackers.com.au/?utm_source=zeeemedia&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=zeeemedia To prepare you and your family for incoming food shortages, head to Heaven's Harvest on the link below (available only in the United States) and use promo code 'ZEEE' (with 3 e's!) for 5% off your order: https://heavensharvest.com/ If you're in Australia, head to Survival Supplies Australia to prepare with long-life food, survival supplies and more: https://www.survivalsuppliesaustralia.com.au/?b7=zeeemedia Detox your system NOW with Dr. Zelenko's Z-DTox and use promo code 'MARIAZEEE' for 5% off your order: https://zstacklife.com/?ref=MARIAZEEE Website: https://zeeemedia.com/ Telegram: https://t.me/zeeemedia Donate to support Maria: https://donate.stripe.com/6oEdUL2eF1IAdXibII207K views 592 comments