God's Comfort
2 videos
Updated 4 months ago
God's comfort is so incredible in such a multi-faceted way. We can't even begin to wrap our mind around it. So enjoy these videos on God's Comfort
Rise-Yield-Change It UP
HeartTOHeartIt is so very true that so many of us shoulder things that we just can’ bear alone. We walk around so weighted down by the cares of this life. (Mark 4:19) If there was a label for that, I call it “The Fixer” and I call it that because I am one of the biggest burdened-shoulderbearer-fixer that has probably ever walked this earth. So, you are not alone if you are a “Fixer”! You know it would be so much better if us “Fixers”, just stayed in our own lane and let God be Who (Psalm 54:4) He is, THE Fixer. (Matthew 6:25-34) God finishes what He starts so very well and we human beings, we do not. We humans in our human condition are famous for making crooked places more crooked and God is famous (Isaiah 45:2-3) for making crooked places straight. So we yield up to GOD. You can see people who are burdened down with things they have shouldered, forgetting all that Jesus took upon His shoulders (Isaiah 9:6) for us, so we would not have to be so burdened down in our soul. I walk by people on the beach and they are so weighed down with the cares of life that they are unaware that I have even walked by them, and their countenance is one that is so down, like they carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. Jesus did that for us already (Isaiah 53:4-6) and He asked us to cast our care on Him. So we yield up to God Up is the answer, the common denominator for all that ails us. (Psalm 50:15) Rising up out of our own, man made burdens that have weighed us down and caused us to fall under the weight of them. Looking up into the eyes of Jesus, knowing He is right there, as a Present help, wanting to help us, wanting to shoulder our burdens. (Matthew 11:28-30) Jesus loves us completely, and understands everything about us. He is a Savior who has borne all of our cares on the cross. He understands (Hebrews 4:15-16) our emotions and our heart pains, because He endured them all. It is never too late to look up, rise up and put all of our cares into our hands and offer them UP to God. Rise Up From The Burden And Look Up. Shouldering way too much! I did that many times when I took on things I should not have taken on. I had way to much care on my life plate. I put it on there, God did not. I was so burdened by the weight of being a Fixer, stepping outside of my lane and trying to be what God is and I can never be. One day I walked the beach and I put a situation in my hand (Hebrews 4:16) that had totally burdened my soul, mind, and spirit to the place of tearfully and humbly giving up, that place where God wants us, that place of yielding and surrendering up. (1 Peter 5:6-7) I put my heavy burden in hand and offered it up to God and then turned my hand over as my sign of letting it go, I surrendered UP. I Pray We Will All Rise Up From Being Weighted Down From The Cares Of This Life. Focus Up To Jesus, Give Up To The Holy Spirit, Yield Up To The Father God All You Have Taken From Him. Rise Up And Get In Our Own Lane, Stay In Our Own Lane Surrendered to God. Rise Up and let be, be still and know He is God. (Matthew 5:1-48) Yield Up to God the method and way and the time and step out of His lane giving Him the room to work things out in His way. Watch-Wait-See the glory of God as He miraculously works out His purposes in our lives for our good and His glory. (Romans 8:28-31) God will finish well in that way of HIs which will leave us in Awe of Him. Give up. Look Up. Rise Up. Surrender Up. Yield Up. UP is the key, the common denominator, I pray it will be so. Up for You and Up for Me. Look-Rise-Surrender-Yield-Focus UP, let it be so. Change It Up! (Isaiah 60) Rise Up! DIG DEEPER: ARISE [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you–rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! 2 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and dense darkness [all] peoples, but the Lord shall arise upon you, and His glory shall be seen on you. 3 And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Isaiah 60 https://thebridegroomscafe.com/the-bridegroom-speaks-about-questions/ https://rumble.com/vlxaoz-god-said.html255 views -
Care Unlimited
HeartTOHeartThere is so much to love about our God! He does care for us well in that unlimited way of His. He is not limited in His care for us because He knows us well. He designed our shape, so that means His care for us is unlimited care. He doesn’t give us more than what we can handle. He knows us! His Care is Care Unlimited! Awe-GOD! God knows what we can handle. I am sure you all know that God wants us to “grow through” this life. I have done some growing! How about you? In order to grow, sometimes we need to be stretched in that way we come face to face with our weakness, our inabilities, and our human condition. These times can make us a bit soul weary, yet we can trust that God knows how far He can push us in our growth seasons, and we can trust in His Unlimited Care for us. Care Unlimited! God deeply cares for us, therefore growing through life should not be as scary as we make it out to be. God will not leave us in our growth seasons, He will be with us as we grow through hard times. Sometimes we feel that we can’t take another day of soul rain. Ever felt that way. I can’t take another day of this! God knows our limits. God cares. Sometimes when we are at our “wits end” God will give us a break in the trial, and we know it is Him, adding some light in the darkness of our trying time we find ourselves in. God wants us to grow, He wants us to be more like His character, and some times that takes some needed character building growth. But, when we feel we can’t take another day of growing through the hard situation we are in, God steps in and gives us that breakthrough in the caring comfort that He is famous for, it is Care Unlimited. God knows what we can handle and He will break into our chaos with His peace, and shatter the darkness with His incredible light of revelation. When we don’t feel like we can handle another moment, God intervenes with His peace and care, and we feel soul rest. I love that about God’s Unlimited Care, He knows what I can handle. He knows me intimately! He knows me more than anyone else will ever know me, and He knows how to comfort me at the absolutely perfect time. He is awesome! I don’t like those hard “growing through” seasons, but I don’t mind them so much because I know God will be with me with His unlimited care! He is not limited by time, position, strength, wisdom, power, knowledge, and help, He is the all of our everything! Unlimited Care, this is our Care Unlimited God! Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/gods-not-done/ https://thebridegroomscafe.com/wont-he-do-it/ https://rumble.com/vam60d-weary-compassion-fatigued-soul-exhausted.html https://rumble.com/valden-god-with-us.html99 views 5 comments