LEAKED 1890s video of a GIANT from Japanese Imperial Archives #Alien #ET #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me
AJ's UFO FilesLEAKED 1890s video of a GIANT from Japanese Imperial Archives... Look at his abnormal shoulders and relatively short arms... This is man is said to be from a tribe called CHA-CHA... He was the last giant who lived on an island called HAHAJIMA... This video is chronicled in per-war Japanese Imperial Archives... Listen to what this US three lettered IA agency analyst has to say which lead it to be CLASSIFIED... Since then, COINTELPRO has been on this piece of footage to discredit it by saying this was a trailer for a movie Big Man Japan and it is a hoax... learn more about COINTELPRO below... What is COINTELPRO?? This incident has been called a HOAX as part of the COINTELPRO - COunter INTELligence PROgram, which is a series of covert, illegal projects run by the FBI aiming at discrediting any secret information leaked on the internet-video or photographs... they employ a group of paid people who engage in group discussions on various platforms giving an impression of being engaged in genuine discussion ignoring the post owner in most cases and at times attacking the other post followers by discrediting them and their knowledge sometimes they ridicule them openly... in the process they discredit the entire post-video or photographs by posting or referencing similar hoax videos or photographs which their team created and hence tying in the real and authentic video and photos to those and concluding the real stuff a hoax... 👉👉👉 Follow me... 👉👉👉 New Video Everyday... #UFO #Alien #ET #USO #UAP #Disclosure #ufodisclosure #ufosightings #ufos #ufonews #ufovideos CHECK OUT MY SOCIALS! Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ajsufofiles Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1556285 If you would like to donate, it would be greatly appreciated. Please note "donation" in the "+Add a note" section: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=AJ5RH7T85P7KQ2.4K views 6 comments