LHFE 1-1
RebelLyon369Our Earth is flat - come with me on this journey down the rabbit hole to discover the true nature of our Earth.354 views -
LHFE 1-2
RebelLyon369Our Earth is flat - come with me on this journey down the rabbit hole to discover the true nature of our Earth.212 views -
LHFE 1-3
RebelLyon369Our Earth is flat - come with me on this journey down the rabbit hole to discover the true nature of our Earth.187 views -
LHFE 1-4
RebelLyon369Our Earth is flat - come with me on this journey down the rabbit hole to discover the true nature of our Earth.192 views -
LHFE 1-5
RebelLyon369Our Earth is flat - come with me on this journey down the rabbit hole to discover the true nature of our Earth.189 views -
LHFE 1-6
RebelLyon369Our Earth is flat - come with me on this journey down the rabbit hole to discover the true nature of our Earth.427 views -
LHFE 1-7
RebelLyon369Our Earth is flat - come with me on this journey down the rabbit hole to discover the true nature of our Earth.186 views -
LHFE 2-1
RebelLyon369LHFE 2:1 I’m at a bit of a crossroads with these videos. I started making them to help people around me piece things together and wake up. That motivation is now over for obvious reasons and this video is the last of this style. I contemplated for a long time giving it the title of “LHFE-Intermission” but as it foreshadows many themes and strands of volume 2 it seems appropriate to call it 2:1. I will finish the rest of LHFE for myself and as a small contribution to the community that has served us all for so long now. More will come, sometimes just one episode and other times a cluster of them. Vol2 is all planned and written but I am slow and my motivation now falls with telling the story and sharing my discoveries so I want to make it just right. That urgency I felt when making WOEH is no longer in me. But it’s also very exciting to have finally “caught up” with these videos and now be able to share the new stuff that I have been documenting for a long time now. I can’t promise this channel will stay, it likely wont. It turns out I get a lot more done without having a channel as distraction. But I will always find a way for new content to be accessible. For now, this is the only platform I am on. Because of this, feel free to reupload. But no selling or DVDs. As usual - I recommend Terry’s channel for those wanting to wake people up to the globe deception. His videos are fantastic, short and to the point. https://www.youtube.com/user/terryrex... I also recommend subscribing to Stergios’ channel (Vibes of Cosmos) - I hear he has a beautiful new moon map in the works and, until someone can fully debunk the moon-image hypothesis, it should be explored and enjoyed. It’d be great if Stergios tackles the potential distortion present in the moon’s image, let’s hope he does in the future! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN0p...526 views 2 comments -
LHFE 2-2
RebelLyon369I have a feeling I am going to become very unpopular as I release more but I am very excited about the next few episodes and have been eager to make them for a while now. I am slow so they aren’t coming that soon and I haven’t decided whether to release them one by one or in batches. I’ll see how they turn out. A lot of information presented in this episode will return later, it’s not set in stone but, rather, iterative. For the work of Dr Jayasree Saranathan and her multi-part series of essays on why many Western astronomical concepts are flawed see link below. It’s worth reading through these, especially for her application of Siddhantic and Vedic astronomical concepts, such as trepidation, that the West has conveniently discarded. https://jayasreesaranathan.blogspot.c... For George Dodwell’s work on the obliquity - this is the best link I have found. Much of his work is either out of print or was never printed. https://barrysetterfield.org/Dodwell/... Heilbron’s book The Sun in the Church is well worth a read. A lot of excellent material in there. It shouldn’t be too hard to find, unless it’s out of print now. For alternative “square” earth cosmologies - this is the website but it’s kind of glitchy. I *think* the channel below also belongs to the same person although I’m not certain. Please note all cosmologies, including the “square” Mercator ones, are riddled with problems so don’t initially accept it as truth or of me promoting it as the truth. An episode on all cosmologies will follow much later. https://www.squareearthcosmology.org/ https://www.youtube.com/user/freeanergy/ Again - channel is not monetised, these are free and I’m happy for reuploads, copy and pasting whatever is here. Just no selling or DVDs.170 views -
LHFE 2-3
RebelLyon369Not all of history is a complete fiction. The first episode of many (hopefully) in which I begin to introduce some nuance and begin to “tear it down.” My summary of timeframes, eras etc in this episode are simplified for viewing purposes but my plan is to introduce more and more complexity as we go. I don’t think I will ever be able to do justice to just how complex this all is but my goal is to try and make others see, and hopefully re-evaluate, just how naive and bad some theories that have been circulating and regarded as “truth” actually are. My overall message with this volume if I manage to get it finished is to not disregard the complexity surrounding the lie. One way of getting a good sense of the complexity is to ask the following questions: Was the first millennium/”dark-phantom” ages a complete forgery or very successfully buried? Was the renaissance a rebirth or actually a naissance? What is the difference between the Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire? The work of Anatoly Fomenko and Gunnar Heinsohn is essential when looking for answers to these questions. And finally some recommendations. Sasyexa of Stolen History recently put together a fantastic translation of a transcript by Alexey Khrustalyov, which argues that France (and Europe) could have been Biblical Israel and the location for the events described in the New Testament. It comes with a striking amount of evidence and connections. The dating of the events in my view is pure theory and proposes that the events actually took place in the late medieval period. But what if the dark ages are not a phantom insertion, like many revisionists suggest, but were successfully buried/erased? Link to transcript below. Well worth a read, really interesting. https://stolenhistory.net/threads/fra... You may also wonder when this series will mention the beloved “T-word.” It will come but, like I said, the matter is complex and Tartaria is not the answer. It’s worth reading Dreamtime’s great and succinct summary on the matter here: https://stolenhistory.net/threads/tar... If you haven’t already - check Stolen History’s youtube channel out here: https://www.youtube.com/c/StolenHistory Channel is not monetised, these are free and I’m happy for reuploads, copy and pasting whatever is here. Just no selling or DVDs.268 views