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Dr. David Minkoff: Your Health. Your Story. [Ep 89]

10 videos
Updated 7 months ago
At Innovative Medicine, we consider ourselves to be on the cutting edge of medicine and pioneers in service to our patients. However, every now and then we come across a doctor that closely aligns with our approach to finding the root cause of illness. Today, we’re speaking with a doctor who had a conventional start in emergency medicine but experienced a major shift in viewpoint mid-career and immersed himself in biological medicine, integrative oncology, anti-aging, functional medicine, and even energy medicine, and now has over 25 years of experience in the natural medicine space. This is the Story of Optimum Health with Dr. David Minkoff
  1. The Story of Optimum Health with Dr. David Minkoff
  2. From Emergency to Functional Medicine with Dr. David Minkoff
  3. The Artform of Functional Medicine
  4. The Difference Between Biological, Integrative and Functional Medicine
  5. How Many Patients Actually Have Chronic Dental Infections?
  6. Why Integrative Medicine Continues to Grow in Popularity
  7. What’s Stopping Integrative Medicine from Going Mainstream?
  8. The Story of BodyHealth Supplements
  9. Why VSELs are the Future of Medicine
  10. Three Tips for Better Health from Dr. David Minkoff