playlist thumnail

Children and Teen Ministry

12 videos
Updated 1 month ago
Open Door's videos featuring our ministry for the children and teens who attend our church! Examples include our trips to West Branch, their singing specials, and more. __ Welcome to the official Rumble channel of Open Door Baptist Church from Catalina, Arizona! Founded in 2010, this is an independent Baptist church serving the Lord in the northern Tucson area. We ask you to do only two things – first, listen to our videos from start to finish so many people online will find them. Then, share them with your friends and family so they’ll learn the truth!
  1. 🎓 5.21.2021 Abeka Graduation - Kylie Kramer
  2. 🫵 Do This at YOUR Church Too! Mystery Island VBS Presentation
  3. 🎄 Awesome Christmas Program – You've Never Seen One Like This
  4. Zoomerang VBS Presentation - 6.12.2022 Sunday School