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Radar Men from the Moon - 1952 Cinema Serial

12 videos
Updated 2 months ago
Radar Men from the Moon is a 1952 Republic Pictures' 12-chapter movie serial, the first Commando Cody serial starring newcomer George Wallace as Cody, Aline Towne as his sidekick Joan Gilbert, and serial veteran Roy Barcroft as the evil Retik, the Ruler of the Moon. The director was Fred C. Brannon, with a screenplay by Ronald Davidson, and special effects by the Lydecker brothers. This serial recycles the flying sequences from Republic's earlier 1949 serial King of the Rocket Men. It was later released by Republic in 1966 as the 100-minute television film Retik the Moon Menace.
  1. Radar Men from the Moon - 1952 Cinema Serial Ep. 12 Death of the Moon Man
  2. Radar Men from the Moon - 1952 Cinema Serial Ep. 11 Planned Pursuit
  3. Radar Men from the Moon - 1952 Cinema Serial Ep. 10 Mass Execution
  4. Radar Men from the Moon - 1952 Cinema Serial Ep. 09 Battle in the Stratosphere
  5. Radar Men from the Moon - 1952 Cinema Serial Ep. 08 The Enemy Planet
  6. Radar Men from the Moon - 1952 Cinema Serial Ep. 07 Camouflaged Destruction
  7. Radar Men from the Moon - 1952 Cinema Serial Ep. 06 Hills of Death
  8. Radar Men from the Moon - 1952 Cinema Serial Ep. 05 Murder Car
  9. Radar Men from the Moon - 1952 Cinema Serial Ep. 04 Flight of Destruction
  10. Radar Men from the Moon - 1952 Cinema Serial Ep. 03 Bridge of Death