Stress Technique That Works Instantly - Andrew Huberman
BigGoudaThis 'Physiological sigh' technique really does work. Check out the original video here ----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0OBgihk2f8 Huberman has some great videos, well worth the watch and subscribe to his channel. The physiological sigh. Take a good breath in through your nose, pause for a sec, grab another quick inhale, and then exhale nice and slow through your mouth. This nifty move reinflates your lung sacs, kicks out the extra CO2, and signals your brain to cool it. And get this – recent research spilled the beans that doing this sigh thing for just five minutes a day beats out meditation and other breath tricks for kicking stress to the curb and giving your mood a lift. So, next time stress shows up, give it the sigh treatment and watch it back off!72 views 2 comments -
Kari Lake Stares Down the Fake News in her epic CPAC 2022 Speech
KariLakeIn the coveted slot speaking just before President Trump--Trump endorsed candidate for Arizona Governor, Kari Lake, brings FIRE to CPAC. Lake gets the crowd riled up ahead of DJT taking the stage. She calls out the Fake News for lying about the stolen, rigged 2020 election, and explains that Stolen Elections have severe consequences for the American people. Kari lays out her journey over the last year--going from 2021 attendee at CPAC to Gubernatorial Candidate and Speaker at CPAC 2022. To support Kari's America First campaign and Save Arizona go to karilake.com/donate4.15K views 34 comments -
Fall of the Cabal Documentary-Full, Parts 1-10
Fall of the Cabal Series by Janet OssebaardThe Fall of The Cabal ls about the downfall of the 1%, often referred to as the Cabal: a small group of people who run the world through their excessive wealth and power. They concocted an evil master plan to completely dominate and submiss humanity … a plan in which corruption, secret services, secret societies and high treason reign supreme. Yet, the 1% did not take into account the following two things: the people started waking up and were helped by an ally at the top: the mysterious Q. Parts 1-8 are very dark and foreboding due to the evil wicked nature of the satan worshipping Cabal or Deep State as they are known by some. Parts 9 and 10 are much more light in nature due to the bright future they describe. PLEASE! Don’t accept what is presented here as truth just because knowledgable, reliable sources say it and show you charts, graphs, etc… A major cause of many of the problems we are having in this country, and all over this beautiful planet, is that when a lot of people see or hear something on television or the internet, if they hear it on the radio, or read about it in newspaper, book, or magazine, they believe it. Don’t do that! Research critical information enough that you can learn whether it is truth or if it is just propaganda. Prove all things to yourself, don’t just accept someone else’s beliefs or their opinions as fact. Prove things in your own mind so as not to be blinded to facts. May God Bless and protect you as you walk in this world!!!201K views 91 comments -
✅✅One of my favorites w/ Patrick Gunnels 💯🏌️♂️
~ Ballz🏌️♂️Hi it’s @BallShack I’m making a second channel for short clips. That’s @Ballz . But the main channel @BallShack will only play videos longer then 15 mins. Thanks for subscribing. Ballz🏌️♂️490 views 2 comments -
Mel K & Mike L | Hidden Technologies: Revisiting Sound, Frequency & Geometry
The Mel K ShowFollow Mike L on Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@mikeLaL We The People must stand strong, stay united, resolute, calm and focus on the mission - God Wins! We at www.themelkshow.com want to thank all our amazing patriots pals for joining us on this journey, for your support of our work and for your faith in this biblical transition to greatness. We love what we do and are working hard to keep on top of everything to help this transition along peacefully and with love. Please help us amplify our message: Like, Comment & Share! The Show’s Partners Page: https://themelkshow.com/partners/ Consider Making A Donation: https://themelkshow.com/donate/ Another way to get involved and find ways to become active in the community is to come meet Mel and many amazing truth warriors at our upcoming live in person speaking events. Together we are unstoppable. We look forward to seeing you. God Wins! https://themelkshow.com/events/ ReAwaken America Tour Tulare, CA - Dec 15 & 13 For ReAwaken America events, use code “MELK” to enter for a chance to win VIP passes and one-on-one meet-and-greets with Mel K and Eric Trump! Remember to mention Mel K for great discounts on all these fun and informative events. See you there! Our Website www.TheMelKShow.com Rumble (Video) - The Mel K Show: https://rumble.com/c/TheMelKShow Twitter: https://twitter.com/MelKShow Twitter (Original): https://twitter.com/originalmelk TRUTH Social: https://truthsocial.com/@themelkshow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themelkshow/ CloutHub: https://app.clouthub.com/#/users/u/TheMelKShow Mel K Show Video Platform (Subscription): https://www.themelkshow.tv Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Iw2kiviwZpwx/ Podbean: https://themelkshow.podbean.com/ Gab: https://gab.com/MelKShow GETTR: https://www.gettr.com/user/themelkshow Locals.com: https://melk.locals.com/ Telegram - The Mel K Show Group: https://t.me/themelkshowgroup Banned Video: https://banned.video/channel/the-mel-k-show Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themelkshow Odysee: https://odysee.com/@themelkshow:5 If you are interested to explore investing in precious metals please contact below and mention MelK for special offers: Beverly Hills Precious Metals Exchange Buy Gold & Silver https://themelkshow.com/gold/ Speak with Gold Expert Andrew Sorchini…Tell Him Mel K Sent You! Support Patriots With MyPillow Go to https://www.mypillow.com/melk Use offer code “MelK” to support both MyPillow and The Mel K Show Mel K Superfoods Supercharge your wellness with Mel K Superfoods Use Code: MELKWELLNESS and Save Over $100 off retail today! www.MelKSuperfoods.com Patriot Mobile Support your values, your freedom and the Mel K Show. Switch to Patriot Mobile for Free. Use free activation code MELK https://www.patriotmobile.com/melk/ HempWorx The #1 selling CBD brand. Offering cutting edge products that run the gamut from CBD oils and other hemp products to essential oils in our Mantra Brand, MDC Daily Sprays which are Vitamin and Herb combination sprays/ https://themelkshow.com/my-daily-choice/ Dr. Zelenko Immunity Protocols https://zstacklife.com/MelK Dr. Jason Dean and BraveTV bring you the most innovative and cutting edge science in Nutrition with Nano-Particle Detoxification, The Full Moon Parasite Protocol and Clot Shot Defense. https://bravetv.store/?sca_ref=3278505.GWvLbyryzv Dr. Stella Immanuel, MD. Consult with a renowned healthcare provider! Offering Telehealth Services & Supplements. Use offer code ‘MelK’ for 5% Off https://bit.ly/MelKDrStellaMD21K views 61 comments -
The Fall of Minneapolis
AlphaNewsMNAlpha News is proud to present “The Fall of Minneapolis.” This documentary is provided free of charge due to generous donors. Please consider a 100% tax-deductible donation to support our work and help promote this film: https://alphanews.revv.co/movie The film is based on Liz Collin’s Amazon bestseller, “They’re Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd,” which exposes the holes in the prevailing narrative surrounding George Floyd’s death, the trial of Derek Chauvin, and the fallout the city of Minneapolis has suffered ever since. The documentary features more than a dozen interviews with the people directly involved, including exclusive interviews with former officers Derek Chauvin and Alexander Kueng who spoke to Liz Collin from prison. The families of Chauvin and Kueng also speak out publicly for the first time. The film also features current and former Minneapolis police officers who tell their harrowing stories from the riots, recount the planned surrender of the Third Precinct, and explain why so many of them left the job. The crowdfunded movie was produced by Alpha News journalist Liz Collin and directed by Dr. J.C. Chaix. Cinematography by Josh Feland.5.14M views 2.5K comments