Save My Freedom with Michele Swinick

Save My Freedom with Michele Swinick

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    #291 NOV 8 ELECTION: The Infamous Door #3 Ballots That Weren't "Accepted"...The Misreads, Mystery & Magical Manufactured Vote Totals Made Up By Maricopa County
    #290 NEW Maricopa County Election FRAUD: 15.5% Of Voting Machines Have Ballot Counts That DON’T MATCH The Voting RESULTS! STOLEN Votes, Voices, Freedoms & Sacred Rights Of The Arizona People By REPUBLICANS | SG ANON
    #289 President Trump's Documents Case: Presidential Records Act - PRA 2205(3) Is A Complete Defense & How To WIN! His Attorneys Need To Use This & It's CASE DISMISSED! SHARE - SHARE - SHARE #TrumpCaseDismissedNOW
    #288 Don't ASSume The Word! Things That We Believe Are In The Bible, That Are NOT! Same Goes For ALL Candidates & Politicians...DON'T ASSume Any Of Their Words Are TRUTHFUL - Especially About ELECTION FRAUD! | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA
    #287 NOV 8 Voting Machines REAL RESULTS…The Number On The Public Counter DOES NOT MATCH The Tapes For 23 Voting Centers…Why Haven’t Any Attorneys Brought This To Court? PROOF You’ve NEVER Seen!
    #286 The Fate Of America & 2024 Election ALL Goes Thru Maricopa County...The Epicenter Of The Spiritual Battle & HQ For ELECTION FRAUD & CORRUPTION! Learn What Really Happened Nov 8th & How The Demons Operate...TAKE ACTION Or Stay Slaves!
    #285 Maricopa County Election Fraud of Nov 8th – A Recap Of EXPOSING The Election System Operation. We DON’T Have Legitimate Elections So We DON’T Have A Real Country. If Only Kari & Abe Would File A Rule 60b6! DEMAND THEY DO IT!
    #284 Those Who Vote Decide NOTHING...Those Who Count The Votes Decide EVERYTHING! Maricopa County ADMITS They Have No Chain Of Custody Reports For How Many Voters Checked-In! We CAN NOT Trust The FRAUDULENT Election Results!
    #282 NEW ELECTION FRAUD In Maricopa County – Door #3 Ballots Were Commingled & NEVER Tabulated…STOLEN VOTES & VOICES Of The AZ People + AZGOP, MCRC, RNC & Kari Lake's Team ALL KNEW IT!
    #283 Why Do We Think What We Think, Is Really Our Thinking? Worldwide View Is...EVERYTHING! What's Yours? They've Been Brainwashing & Indoctrinating Us Since Birth With ALL THEIR LIES | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA
    #281 Maricopa County Is The Epicenter Of The Spiritual Battle & It All Starts With The Board Of Supervisors - Tyrannical Nov 8th Election Rule & Law Violators & Fraud Committers + RNC, AZGOP, MCRC & Lake's Team KNEW THEY BROKE THE LAW
    #280 Maricopa County Admits There Are NO Reports Recording How Many Voters Checked-In Nov 8th & AZGOP, MCRC, RNC & Lake’s Team Knew AZ Law 16-602 Was BROKEN! | LEWIS HERMS
    #279 What's The Frequency Kenneth? The War For Your Mind, TI's, 5G...FUN! It's All About Controlling YOU! | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA
    #278 NEW ELECTION FRAUD EXPOSED! Maricopa County ADMITS It Has NO Chain Of Custody Reports For How Many Voters Checked-In At The Polls On Nov 8th + AZGOP, MCRC, RNC & Lake’s Team KNEW A.R.S. 16-602 Was VIOLATED & The Law Was BROKEN!
    #277 NEW ELECTION FRAUD! Maricopa County ADMITS It Has NO Chain Of Custody Reports For Voter Check-Ins On Nov 8th! AZ Law 16-602 Was Broken...Can KARI & ABE PLEASE File A Rule 60b6 To Have It SET ASIDE NOW & Fight For Arizonans…FINALLY!
    #276 Satanic Panic - We Won't Get Fooled Again - History Repeats...Will We Do It Again? Demons Are Controlling Our Country & Sex Slave Trafficking Our Children - WHY DO WE ALLOW IT? | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA
    #275 The People Of Arizona Can’t Rely On The Candidates, Politicians & “Leaders” To FAKE Fight For Us. They’ve Done NOTHING To SET ASIDE Our Fraudulent Nov 8th Election – It’s Time To HOLD THEM ALL ACCOUNTABLE For Their BETRAYAL!
    #274 What's The Definition Of Insanity? If We Want Different Results We Need To Do A 180 On All Strategies...FOR EVERYTHING! | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA
    #273 Republicans Had Their VOTES STOLEN In The Maricopa County PPE Last Tuesday Because They Were CHANGED To Independents & THEY DIDN’T MAKE THE CHANGE! WTF AZ? Why Don’t The Legislators or Candidates Give A Crap?
    #272 Your Truth, My Truth...THE TRUTH! Maricopa County Ministry Of Truth, Controlling The Narrative To Match Election Results & How To Win The Spiritual Battle....Take Action + Turn To GOD - We Can't Beat DEMONS With Human Means...JESUS ROCKS!
    #271 False Profits, Politicians, Pastors & Teachings All Sacrificing Our Children! All Of Them Are FRAUDS & We Worship At Their Altars...Wonder Why We Are Losing The Battle? | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA
    #270 BREAKING NEWS...MASSIVE NEW Election Fraud EXPOSED In Maricopa County! GOLDENRODS - The Gift That Keeps On Giving! 2022 ELECTION Needs To Be SET ASIDE & REDONE...DEMAND LAKE & ABE File RULE 60b6, Get NEW TRIALS & REALLY FIGHT FOR AZ NOW!
    #269 NEW Election Fraud EXPOSED In Maricopa County! THOUSANDS Of Ballots NOT TABULATED! '22 ELECTION Needs To Be REDONE + Border Invasion & Board Of Supervisors Tyranny...DEMAND LAKE & ABE File RULE 60B, Get NEW TRIALS & FIGHT FOR AZ!
    #268 NEW Election Fraud EXPOSED In Maricopa County For The Nov 8, 2022 Election! It Just Keeps Getting Worse...LAKE & ABE Don't Want To File The Info In Court To SET ASIDE The Election For We The People - BOTH ARE LIARS, GRIFTERS & FRAUDS!
    #267 The Worldwide Demonic Movement To Sacrifice Our Children (Their Minds, Bodies & Souls) | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA